Don't Know Much

Book Clubs and Other Visits

Teachers, Librarians, Book Clubs and Other Learning Communities:

Invite me for a visit to your school, classroom, library, historical group, book club or conference.

A conversation not a lecture!

Contact me if you would like to learn more or book a live online or in-person session.

NOW OUT  Great Short Books: A Year of Reading Briefly

During the lock-down, I swapped doom-scrolling for the insight and inspiration that come from reading great fiction. I read 58 great short novels –not as an escape but an antidote. Let me tell your book club, library community, or educational group what I learned from “A year of reading–briefly.”

“A must-purchase for public and school libraries.” ALA Booklist, *STARRED REVIEW and A Booklist “Editors’ Choice Adult Books 2022″

Here are some of the other topics I can discuss with your community: 

United States History

Don’t Know Much About History covers more than 500 years of American History. Select an era or event from U.S. History. I can tailor a presentation to suit your interests.

Democracy and How Quickly It Can Vanish
In Strongman, I tell the story of the rise of five of the most deadly dictators in history, how democracy is threatened around the world today, and what we can do about it.






The Role of Slavery in American History

I will talk about the real stories of five people enslaved by four U.S. presidents and the role slavery played in the founding of the republic.



U.S. Presidents—the Best and the Worst

Why do we have a President”

Is the Electoral College a Party School?

How and why our elections work –or don’t work


The First World War and the Spanish Flu

We can’t talk about one without the other. During a pandemic, we should learn from the history of the most deadly pandemic in modern times.



The Civil War

A discussion of America’s greatest conflict and why it still matters.

Sorting out the players, the politics, the battles, and other key events in the most significant event in American history.


America’s Hidden History

If you want to to talk about the Founding of the country,  the Pilgrims, religious freedom in America, I can tell you about the nation’s “Hidden History” –some fascinating tales of real people that schoolbooks leave out.


Learn about Holidays– Why do we celebrate everything from “Presidents Day” to Memorial Day, July 4, “Juneteenth” (June 19), Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas?

For more information or to book a session, please use the CONTACT form.

If you’d like to propose another topic, let me know what is on your mind. These events can be tailored to your specific interest or geographic area.


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In the Shadow of Liberty

As we enter Black History Month in February 2025, teaching an accurate version of American History is under assault. “In the Shadow of Liberty” tells that story.

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