Don't Know Much

What You Don’t Know Can Be Thrilling!



Treat your audience to a
Don’t Know Much About® Quiz
with New York Times bestselling author Kenneth C. Davis

The Don’t Know Much About® Quiz is an audience participation game modeled on TV quiz shows, with wide appeal to students, parents and teachers. Bestselling author Kenneth C. Davis sets the tone for the event by briefly introducing himself and describing the Don’t Know Much About® series of books and audios, which is aimed at making learning fun. Then Davis chooses “contestants” using a variety of easy questions thrown out to the audience. (Example: Name the first 13 states.)

The contestants are then divided into two teams of 3 or 4 players, who stand at tables on which there are lights and buzzers. Like a game-show MC, Davis asks a question and the players must buzz first for the chance to answer the question. The first team to reach five correct answers is the winner. (That number can be adjusted, but works well in order to accommodate as many players as possible.)

The questions are usually drawn from all of Davis’s books and audios. However, they can be tailored to a specific event, holiday, or location.. Some of the questions are straightforward (Who was the first president born in the United States?). But Davis also uses riddles, jokes and puns. Following a correct response, Davis elaborates on the answers to turn the contest into a real teaching session as well as a lively, fast-paced and entertaining game.

Davis has presented this game at the American Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian Museum and the New-York Historical Society. He has performed in bookstores, science centers, classrooms, school gyms and teacher and librarian meetings. He has done it with groups as small as ten and as large as 200, and he has worked with students from elementary grades through middle school and high school. The reaction is always the same, as excited kids clamor for a chance to be a game show contestant. Adults also love to play and Davis has brought the game show to groups of teachers and parents and book festivals in Boston and Chicago.

The simplicity of the setup and the range of questions that can be drawn from Davis’s many books and audios make this a flexible event suitable for many audiences and venues. For more information, please contact us.

Because what you don’t know can be thrilling!

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